L-R:  Chris Ram (LWF Grants Coordinator), Mark DiStasi (House of Refuge), Donna Bailey (LWF President), Bill Duff (Mathew 25 Prison Ministry), Sue Gifford (Child Crisis Arizona), Marilyn Reed (Bag and Boob Babes), Jamie Podratz (Save the Family), Chris Reinhold (LWF Grants Coordinator Understudy). Hanna Miller (Lutheran Services) was not available.


House of Refuge – $11,000

A family in need will receive support for one of the houses on their campus for one year.


Save the Family – $10,000

Housing assistance to families in need will be provided, with an emphasis on veterans.


Bag and Boob Babes – $4,500

The nonprofit all volunteer group knits items that will be distributed to individuals undergoing treatment for breast cancer and to medical facilities. These items are free of charge. Funding will help to cover postage budget.


Lutheran Social Services – $3,500

Activity kits with age-appropriate games and learning activities will be dropped off at family homes with young children each week during the current stay-at-home situation. Each kit includes a new children’s book and 4 activities per box focused on science and math, physical activity, art and social emotional learning.


Child Crisis Arizona – $3,000

Meal support for families with children under the age of 5 years old, in collaboration with local restaurants for meal preparation.


Mathew 25 Prison Ministry – $3,000

Through the Red Mountain Methodist Church’s Matthew 25 Prison Ministry, classes at Rio Salado Community College will be sponsored for incarcerated women to improve their future prospects.